Nurture Your Nervous System, Empower Your Life - 3 Month One to One Program

Using Somatic Coaching, Polyvagal Theory and Embodiment Techniques to Deepen Self Awareness, Improve Emotional Regulation, and Enrich Connection With Life.

In life we often enter circumstances where our conclusion is to “follow our heart”, “ask what our gut is telling us” or “listen to our body”- these instincts are experienced soulfully but are also very much grounded in science.

Our body is in constant conversation with our brains, and within that conversation 80% of communication is coming through pathways from the body to the brain, meaning the regulation and experience of our body is determining our thoughts, emotions and potential.

When we learn to listen to and regulate our body’s dialogue, we gain autonomy over our experience with life, and develop a connection with ourselves that results in peace with our inner-complexities, an ability to thrive, and a trust in our navigation of the world.

This program uses my accreditation in Psychology, Interpersonal Neurobiology and Somatic Coaching to help my clients deepen self-awareness, improve emotional regulation and expand their capacity to achieve sustainably through nervous system regulation and self-inquiry practices.

This program is perfect for you if you want to connect to the core of what impacts your response to life, and harness that connection to enhance relationships, achievements and your personal journey.

  • Month One: Connect

    In our first month, our focus will be on connecting with the mind, exploring subconscious beliefs and the inner landscapes of your nervous system through tangible visualization exercises and self-inquiry practices.

    This month will look at how your nervous system works, how it is unique to your experiences, and how to compassionately shift patterns that are no longer serving you using clinically proven techniques.

  • Month Two: Nurture

    Our second month together will bring the body into the conversation, using somatic coaching techniques to increase embodied awareness. This is where we will build an achievable plan to support self-regulation and empowered living in a way that feels totally personal to you and therefore memorable and sustainable.

    This month will use workshops that focus on what you as an individual needs in different areas of your life, and how we can meet those needs through practices with the correct timing, feeling and depth that supports your lifestyle.

  • Month Three: Thrive

    Our final month focuses on integrating what we’ve learned into living your life. This month is flexible based on your experience, which may be open coaching sessions around topics that have come up for you that you’d like to delve deeper into, or may be a chance to spend a month creating intentional ways to embody the wisdom accessed in the program choosing key areas of your life for each session.

We will meet for weekly, online, 1-1 workshops that offer:

  • Guided exercises to connect to subconscious beliefs and shift what is no longer serving you

  • Ways to make peace with your inner-complexities to enrich your steadiness with difficult emotions

  • Tangible experiences to better understand the role of your nervous system in your life

  • A unique-to-you map of your nervous system with what makes it tick, and how to nurture it

  • Clinically proven techniques to effectively regulate your emotions and show up to your full potential

  • Awareness practices to build a trusting relationship with your intuition

  • Workshops to support how your relationship with self shows up in your work, connections and personal development

  • Embodiment exercises to bring your whole-self into how you approach personal growth and life changes

  • A personal and achievable self-regulation plan to cultivate a life filled with more emotional flexibility, connection and empowerment based on our work together.

These 12 Weeks Will Give You…